1. Itty-Bitty Book Bundle by, SchoolHouseTalk (if you have not checked her out, you better! She has great products!)
2. Shopping for QR codes by, The Speech Bubble (Maureen, I use your products probably more than any others I have bought. Love them! Happy Bloggy Birthday to you as well! We started our blogs only a few days apart).
3. Hold Your Horses, by Speech with Sharon (Sharon, I use your Idiom of the Week ALL the time and my kids love it! It never leaves my whiteboard)
4. Reindeer Pronouns and Prepositions, by Miss Gator Speechie (Welcome to the TpT World new friend!)
5. Auditory Zoo: Auditory Memory Activities For Sentences Riddles and Stories, by Speech Universe (Love your products, and we started out blogs very close to each other, as well! Happy bloggy b-day)
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