September '13 Link-up!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Is it September already!? I love doing link-ups from All Y'All Need!
Click the link to join!

School-ing a new SLP! I am mentoring a CF SLP this year! So far it has been fun and a bit eye opening. I have only been an SLP for 4 years.  It's hard to believe that just a short time ago I was the nervous wreak; who felt like I didn't know what I was doing! Trying my best to be available for questions which is why google chat and video messaging is awesome! I can watch her do therapy, or help with anything remotely. I also happen to be like a block away from her school, so I can get over there more than most mentors would. 

Excited for wedding photos!  Many of you know that I got married, a month ago today to be exact! We are supposed to get our wedding photos from the photographer this week. I cannot wait to see them!!!

Prepping reports. So many reports! We have a new IEP system so things are taking longer than usual, which means I am now behind on my reports. I also happen to have a large number of assessments right off the bat this year. Not sure why, but it leads me to my next point...

Trying to stay stress free! With all these reports due, a new IEP system, mentoring and just life. It's hard to remain balanced and level headed all the time. The endless running list in my head makes things a little overwhelming. I need to remember to take it one day at a time because I always get everything done on time and the kids still somehow get their therapy. I just get tired of juggling and I don't even have kids of my own yet!! 

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3 Responses to “September '13 Link-up! ”

  1. Loving your new website design! My head is spinning just reading everything you are doing! Good luck this year, and I think if anyone can handle it all, you can. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Very cute design! I especially love the "Follow Me" buttons! I also have a ton of kids who are due for assessments/IEP reviews in September and October! It barely gives us time to get to know them and make determinations on their needs! Hope you have a great year! :)

  3. Your design is very cute! And your wedding photos will be beautiful! Oh and you'll be a great mentor for the CF! They will appreciate you so much :)

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