Inspired Organization

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jenna Rayburn, M.A., CCC-SLP over at Speech Room News organizes her lessons into ziplock bags.  She is so totally inspiring!!

Before                                             After

Honestly, I hardly ever look in my filing cabinets because they are overwhelming. I can't see what is in there. I didn't label appropriately, got busy and started shoving. Not to mention I took over an office full of worksheets and have not gone through everything yet.

Anything I have not used in the last 3 years, or that was older than me (yes, older than me) got thrown away.

I trimmed the edges of my worksheets, and slipped them into ziplock bags. Mine are stored in hanging file folders. I put detailed info on the front(areas of speech and language targeted) , and a little label on the side so I can see the title easily.

I am trying to use more books in therapy, and this way I can store the book and the activities together!

Let me know if you end up using this technique, or if you have another way to organize please share!

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